Ilusi Mata

Jumat, 28 September 2012

Hemm.. membingungkan otak XD

 coba deh kamu gerakin kepala maju-mundur. Apa yang terjadi??

 Nah, coba lihat gambar spiral ini.

Padahal ini bukan spiral loh, ini sebenernya lingkaran!

Weleh weleh...

Percobaan Lampu Lava

adopted from Science Bob.
Karena situsnya berbahasa Inggris, jadi agak males translate-innya, tapi intinya ini bikin lampu lava sederhana gitu deh. Kayak gini ni...
Lucu ya? Eh, nggak lucu sih (gak pada ketawa kan?). Hemm menarik! Berikut bahan-bahannya. Bisa translate sendiri kan? Kalo gak bisa minta tolong Om Gugel aja ya. Lets cek it aut!

You will need:
  • A clean 1 liter clear soda bottle
  • 3/4 cup of water
  • Vegetable Oil
  • Fizzing tablets (such as Alka Seltzer; CDR, etc.)
  • Food coloring 
What to do:
1. Pour the water into the bottle.

2. Use a measuring cup or funnel to slowly pour the vegetable oil into the bottle until it's almost full. You may have to wait a few minutes for the oil and water separate.

3. Add 10 drops of food coloring to the bottle (we like red, but any color will look great.) The drops will pass through the oil and then mix with the water below.

4. Break a seltzer tablet in half and drop the half tablet into the bottle. Watch it sink to the bottom and let the blobby greatness begin!
5. To keep the effect going, just add another tablet piece. For a true lava lamp effect, shine a flashlight through the bottom of the bottle.

To begin, the oil stays above the water because the oil is lighter than the water or, more specifically, less dense than water. The oil and water do not mix because of something called "intermolecular polarity." That term is fun to bring up in dinner conversation. Molecular polarity basically means that water molecules are attracted to other water molecules. They get along fine, and can loosely bond together (drops.) This is similar to magnets that are attracted to each other. Oil molecules are attracted to other oil molecules, they get along fine as well. But the structures of the two molecules do not allow them to bond together. Of course, there’s a lot more fancy scientific language to describe density and molecular polarity, but maybe now you’ll at least look at that vinegrette salad dessing in a whole new way.
When you added the tablet piece, it sank to the bottom and started dissolving and creating a gas. As the gas bubbles rose, they took some of the colored water with them. When the blob of water reached the top, the gas escaped and down went the water. Cool, huh? By the way, you can store your "Blobs In A Bottle" with the cap on, and then anytime you want to bring it back to life, just add another tablet piece.

Nah, khususnya buat PROTONSEGA (KIR SMAN 103 Jakarta), kayaknya keren buat dicoba ya? Sebenernya sih pas waktu angkatanku kelas 10 pernah dicoba, tapi dulu bukan pake fizzing tablet, tapi garam -_- yah yaudahlah, tapi waktu itu lumayan berhasil, tapi cuma bentar hehe. Yah mungkin dengan memakai fizzing tablet jadi lebih efektif :D


Minggu, 23 September 2012

Setelah melalui pengkaderan yang 'berat' dan pemantapan OSIS yang menantang, hari Senin, 17 September 2012, SAPPHIRE (Sameness, Painstaking, Philantropy, Reliable) pun telah menjadi OSIS SMAN 103 yang baru! Aaaa seneng banget deh rasanya setelah pelantikan :D
    Pelantikan berlangsung pas habis selesai upacara bendera. Aku gak nyangka bakal jadi wakil MPK -__- tugas MPK itu berat banget loooh..
    aaaa itu akuuuuu!!!
    ah elah, yang belakang mukanya kurang enak -_-

    setelah selesai upacara, kami pun....
    berfoto bersama!!!

    This is SAPPHIRE!! *sparta style
    eh, tambah EMERALD juga! hehehe

    Semenjak itu, aku jadi dijulukin 'qaqa wakil mpk'. Sebenernya sih aku agak kurang nyaman ya digituin. Hemm yah mungkin belum terbiasa :D